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Without men, Saudi women cannot fully function; this dependence upon males creates a social barrier for both men and women incorporated in this society.

Damage to Society

Women must live with the depressing awareness that they cannot live an individualized life

Socially, both women and men suffer during everyday conversation due to the fact that Saudi women are forced to wear a full body covering, called an abaya.

This hinders women’s body language and thwarts their efforts to communicate through facial expression.

  The inconvenience of having to ask permission to do everyday activities like visiting the doctor - even during potentially life-threatening situations - or driving to work makes it difficult for Saudi women to accept job positions or to simply run a household, considering their male guardian must drive them.  Without men, Saudi women cannot fully function; this dependence upon males creates a social barrier for both men and women incorporated in this society.

  Women have brilliant ideas and talents, but cannot share their findings or abilities because without men, women are unheard.
   Women suffer in education as well; women may take classes taught by male teachers, but only by one-way teleconference.  This method of learning eliminates any discussion and any interaction with professors and with fellow students, both of which remain critical to the learning experience.  In the journal article, “Women and Education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Achievements” the author, Hamdan, compares the Saudi female and male literacy rate: 50% versus 72%, proving that Saudi women lack in education(Hamdan 2005).
  Saudi women are not permitted to go to a hospital unless accompanied by her male guardian(Alhareth, Y., Yasra, A., and Ibtisam, A. 2010).
  Even during potentially life-threatening situations, women may not leagally drive to the hospital unless their male guardian is with her.


Lauren Shiflet

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